Peanut Butter Banana Ice Cream

Tired of using your overripe bananas to make banana bread? Try making this super simple banana “ice cream” that you can share with your pup instead!

For those of you on the hunt for healthy alternatives to ice cream, this recipe comes as no surprise. But for the rest of us, this recipe is mind blowing. I hesitated to include this in this book since it is so simple; however, since Maeby has a fondness for bananas and an obsession with peanut butter, I thought others might want to consider sharing this healthy snack with their pups too!


4 frozen, ripe to overripe bananas
1⁄4 cup all natural peanut butter
Optional: splash of whole milk


  1. Blend frozen, ripe to overripe bananas in a food processor until smooth.

  2. When it starts to look like soft serve, add a splash of whole milk if you’d like a creamier texture.

  3. Fold in peanut butter so some stripes of peanut butter remain.

  4. Scoop and serve immediately or store in a freezer safe container.


Consider adding carob chips in addition or in lieu of the peanut butter.




Consider adding chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, cinnamon, or strawberries

Note: The addition of chocolate chips or peanut butter chips would prevent this from being dog friendly.